My Halloween felt pins (Frankie and Dracula)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Last year, I had been working on making some Halloween felt pins for a party my family was attending. I don't like making scary Halloween crafts like witches. I much perfer making "Kid friendly" crafts like these pictured.

My "Frankie" Felt Pin was made with green and black felt. Grey felt was used to make his bolts on the sides.

Dracula, was made with pink, white and black felt. I even shaped his ears pointed. My husband noted that Dracula looked more like 'Count Chocola" from the cereal box. I suppose he does!

I bought the googly eyes and pom poms at my local Dollar Tree (They have expanded their crafts section!) I am always on the lookout for getting inexpensive craft materials.

The kids loved these! My oldest son perfers "Frankie" over "The Count."
Which do you prefer?


Sonya October 4, 2008 at 2:38 PM  

Those are way cute! I love "Frankie" but Dracula is adorable too. I need to learn how to make some frog shaped ones.

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